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Dart 语言快速入门

  本文会通过示例向你展示 Dart 语言用法的简单的介绍。

  想要深度学习 Dart 语言,请访问左侧栏 Dart 开发语言 的具体内容。

  想要了解 Dart 的核心库,访问 核心库文档。你也可以查看 Dart 语言的速查表,来获得一些快速上手的指导。

Hello World

  每个应用都有一个顶层的 main()​ 函数来作为运行入口。没有指定返回类型的方法的返回类型会推导为 void​。你可以使用顶层函数 print()​ 来将一段文本输出显示到控制台:

void main() {
  print('Hello, World!');

  你可以阅读 the main() function 了解更多 CLI 的可选参数。


  虽然 Dart 是 代码类型安全 的语言,你仍然可以用 var​ 来定义变量,而不用显式指定它们的类型。由于其支持类型推断,因此大多数变量的类型会由它们的初始化内容决定:

var name = 'Voyager I';
var year = 1977;
var antennaDiameter = 3.7;
var flybyObjects = ['Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune'];
var image = {
  'tags': ['saturn'],
  'url': '//path/to/saturn.jpg'

  你可以 阅读更多 Dart 中关于变量的内容,包括变量的默认值,final​ 和 const​ 关键字以及静态类型等。


  Dart 支持常用的流程控制语句:

if (year >= 2001) {
  print('21st century');
} else if (year >= 1901) {
  print('20th century');

for (final object in flybyObjects) {

for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++) {

while (year < 2016) {
  year += 1;

  你可以阅读更多 Dart 中关于控制流程语句的内容,包括 breakcontinue​ 关键字、 switch 语句和 case 子句 以及 assert​ 语句。


  我们建议 为每个函数的参数以及返回值都指定类型:

int fibonacci(int n) {
  if (n == 0 || n == 1) return n;
  return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

var result = fibonacci(20);

  ​=>​ (胖箭头) 简写语法用于仅包含一条语句的函数。该语法在将匿名函数作为参数传递时非常有用:

flybyObjects.where((name) => name.contains('turn')).forEach(print);

  上面的示例除了向你展示了匿名函数(上例中传入 where()​ 函数的参数即是一个匿名函数)外,还向你展示了将函数作为参数使用的方式:上面示例将顶层函数 print()​ 作为参数传给了 forEach()​ 函数。

  你可以 阅读更多 Dart 中有关函数的内容,包括可选参数、默认参数值以及词法作用域。


  Dart 通常使用双斜杠 //​ 作为注释的开始。

// This is a normal, one-line comment.

/// This is a documentation comment, used to document libraries,
/// classes, and their members. Tools like IDEs and dartdoc treat
/// doc comments specially.

/* Comments like these are also supported. */

  你可以 阅读更多 Dart 中有关注释的内容,包括文档工具的工作原理。

导入 (Import)

  使用 import​ 关键字来访问在其它库中定义的 API。

// Importing core libraries
import 'dart:math';

// Importing libraries from external packages
import 'package:test/test.dart';

// Importing files
import 'path/to/my_other_file.dart';

  你可以 阅读更多 Dart 中有关库和可见性的内容,包括库前缀、show​ 和 hide​ 关键字以及通过 deferred​ 关键字实现的懒加载。

类 (Class)

  下面的示例中向你展示了一个包含三个属性、两个构造函数以及一个方法的类。其中一个属性不能直接赋值,因此它被定义为一个 getter 方法(而不是变量)。该方法使用字符串插值来打印字符串文字内变量的字符串。

class Spacecraft {
  String name;
  DateTime? launchDate;

  // Read-only non-final property
  int? get launchYear => launchDate?.year;

  // Constructor, with syntactic sugar for assignment to members.
  Spacecraft(this.name, this.launchDate) {
    // Initialization code goes here.

  // Named constructor that forwards to the default one.
  Spacecraft.unlaunched(String name) : this(name, null);

  // Method.
  void describe() {
    print('Spacecraft: $name');
    // Type promotion doesn't work on getters.
    var launchDate = this.launchDate;
    if (launchDate != null) {
      int years = DateTime.now().difference(launchDate).inDays ~/ 365;
      print('Launched: $launchYear ($years years ago)');
    } else {

  你可以 阅读更多 关于字符串的内容,包括字符串插值、表达式以及 toString()​ 方法。

  你可以像下面这样使用 Spacecraft​ 类:

var voyager = Spacecraft('Voyager I', DateTime(1977, 9, 5));

var voyager3 = Spacecraft.unlaunched('Voyager III');

  你可以 阅读更多 Dart 中有关类的内容,包括初始化列表、可选的 new​ 和 const​ 关键字、重定向构造函数、由 factory​ 关键字定义的工厂构造函数以及 Getter 和 Setter 方法等等。

枚举类型 (Enum)



enum PlanetType { terrestrial, gas, ice }


/// Enum that enumerates the different planets in our solar system
/// and some of their properties.
enum Planet {
  mercury(planetType: PlanetType.terrestrial, moons: 0, hasRings: false),
  venus(planetType: PlanetType.terrestrial, moons: 0, hasRings: false),
  // ···
  uranus(planetType: PlanetType.ice, moons: 27, hasRings: true),
  neptune(planetType: PlanetType.ice, moons: 14, hasRings: true);

  /// A constant generating constructor
  const Planet(
      {required this.planetType, required this.moons, required this.hasRings});

  /// All instance variables are final
  final PlanetType planetType;
  final int moons;
  final bool hasRings;

  /// Enhanced enums support getters and other methods
  bool get isGiant =>
      planetType == PlanetType.gas || planetType == PlanetType.ice;

  你可以这样使用 Planet​ 枚举:

final yourPlanet = Planet.earth;

if (!yourPlanet.isGiant) {
  print('Your planet is not a "giant planet".');

  你可以 阅读更多 Dart 中有关枚举的内容,包括增强型枚举的限制条件、枚举默认包含的属性、如何获取枚举值的名称以及在 switch​ 语句中使用枚举等等。


  Dart 支持单继承。

class Orbiter extends Spacecraft {
  double altitude;

  Orbiter(super.name, DateTime super.launchDate, this.altitude);

  你可以 阅读更多 Dart 中有关类继承的内容,比如可选的 @override​ 注解等等。


  Mixin 是一种在多个类层次结构中重用代码的方法。下面的是声明一个 Mixin 的做法:

mixin Piloted {
  int astronauts = 1;

  void describeCrew() {
    print('Number of astronauts: $astronauts');

  现在你只需使用 Mixin 的方式继承这个类就可将该类中的功能添加给其它类。

class PilotedCraft extends Spacecraft with Piloted {
  // ···

  自此,PilotedCraft​ 类中就包含了 astronauts​ 字段以及 describeCrew()​ 方法。

  你可以 阅读更多 关于 Mixin 的内容。



class MockSpaceship implements Spacecraft {
  // ···

  你可以阅读更多关于 隐式接口 或者 interface 关键词 的内容。


abstract class Describable {
  void describe();

  void describeWithEmphasis() {

  任意一个扩展了 Describable​ 的类都拥有 describeWithEmphasis()​ 方法,这个方法又会去调用实现类中实现的 describe()​ 方法。

  你可以 阅读更多 关于抽象类和抽象方法的内容。


  使用 async​ 和 await​ 关键字可以让你避免回调地狱 (Callback Hell) 并使你的代码更具可读性。

const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1);
// ···
Future<void> printWithDelay(String message) async {
  await Future.delayed(oneSecond);


Future<void> printWithDelay(String message) {
  return Future.delayed(oneSecond).then((_) {

  如下一个示例所示,async​ 和 await​ 关键字有助于使异步代码变得易于阅读。

Future<void> createDescriptions(Iterable<String> objects) async {
  for (final object in objects) {
    try {
      var file = File('$object.txt');
      if (await file.exists()) {
        var modified = await file.lastModified();
            'File for $object already exists. It was modified on $modified.');
      await file.create();
      await file.writeAsString('Start describing $object in this file.');
    } on IOException catch (e) {
      print('Cannot create description for $object: $e');

  你也可以使用 async*​ 关键字,其可以为你提供一个可读性更好的方式去生成 Stream。

Stream<String> report(Spacecraft craft, Iterable<String> objects) async* {
  for (final object in objects) {
    await Future.delayed(oneSecond);
    yield '${craft.name} flies by $object';

  你可以 阅读更多 关于异步支持的内容,包括异步函数、Future​、Stream​ 以及异步循环(await for​)。


  使用 throw​ 关键字抛出一个异常:

if (astronauts == 0) {
  throw StateError('No astronauts.');

  使用 try​ 语句配合 on​ 或 catch​(两者也可同时使用)关键字来捕获一个异常:

Future<void> describeFlybyObjects(List<String> flybyObjects) async {
  try {
    for (final object in flybyObjects) {
      var description = await File('$object.txt').readAsString();
  } on IOException catch (e) {
    print('Could not describe object: $e');
  } finally {

  注意上述代码是异步的;同步代码以及异步函数中得代码都可以使用 try​ 捕获异常。

  你可以 阅读更多 关于异常的内容,包括栈追踪、rethrow​ 关键字以及 Error 和 Exception 之间的区别。

Important concepts

  As you continue to learn about the Dart language, keep these facts and concepts in mind:

  • Everything you can place in a variable is an object, and every object is an instance of a class. Even numbers, functions, and null​ are objects. With the exception of null​ (if you enable sound null safety), all objects inherit from the Object​ class.

    Null safety was introduced in Dart 2.12. Using null safety requires a language version of at least 2.12.

  • Although Dart is strongly typed, type annotations are optional because Dart can infer types. In var number = 101​, number​ is inferred to be of type int​.

  • If you enable null safety, variables can't contain null​ unless you say they can. You can make a variable nullable by putting a question mark (?​) at the end of its type. For example, a variable of type int?​ might be an integer, or it might be null​. If you know that an expression never evaluates to null​ but Dart disagrees, you can add !​ to assert that it isn't null (and to throw an exception if it is). An example: int x = nullableButNotNullInt!

  • When you want to explicitly say that any type is allowed, use the type Object?​ (if you've enabled null safety), Object​, or—if you must defer type checking until runtime—the special type dynamic​.

  • Dart supports generic types, like List<int>​ (a list of integers) or List<Object>​ (a list of objects of any type).

  • Dart supports top-level functions (such as main()​), as well as functions tied to a class or object (static and instance methods, respectively). You can also create functions within functions (nested or local functions).

  • Similarly, Dart supports top-level variables, as well as variables tied to a class or object (static and instance variables). Instance variables are sometimes known as fields or properties.

  • Unlike Java, Dart doesn't have the keywords public​, protected​, and private​. If an identifier starts with an underscore (_​), it's private to its library. For details, see Libraries and imports.

  • Identifiers can start with a letter or underscore (_​), followed by any combination of those characters plus digits.

  • Dart has both expressions (which have runtime values) and statements (which don't). For example, the conditional expression condition ? expr1 : expr2​ has a value of expr1​ or expr2​. Compare that to an if-else statement, which has no value. A statement often contains one or more expressions, but an expression can't directly contain a statement.

  • Dart tools can report two kinds of problems: warnings and errors. Warnings are just indications that your code might not work, but they don't prevent your program from executing. Errors can be either compile-time or run-time. A compile-time error prevents the code from executing at all; a run-time error results in an exception being raised while the code executes.


  核心库文档 中会有更多的文档和代码示例。你也可以查阅 Dart API 文档,里面也常常会有示例代码。本网站的代码风格遵循 Dart 代码风格指南
